Medical instructors no longer need to describe heart and lung sounds to students. Instructor and student listen to the same sound source, enabling multifunctional teaching applications in all clinical and educational settings. The slim, ergonomic, lightweight anodized aluminum chest piece is fitted with an ultra-thin fiber diaphragm for amplification and transmission of heart and lung sounds. The nonstick acoustic tubing, constructed of thicker, denser, latex-free PVC, provides insulation for superior sound transmission and seals out ambient noise while preventing cracking and wearing. The longer-than-average length allows a comfortable space between health professional and patient. The adjustable AccuFit™ headsets, constructed from chrome-plated brass, allow the users to create individualized fits. Soft, silicone ComfortSeal™ ear tips are clear for hygienic purposes and conform to the ear. Includes nylon zippered carrying case with hook-and-loop side pocket, two extra sets of ComfortSeal™ ear tips, two spare ultra-sensitive diaphragms, and ID tag. Full lifetime warranty and free-parts-for-life program from manufacturer.
Products are for educational use only Nasco is not liable for products used for any means other than its intended use.